Historian. Researcher. Podcaster. Writer.
Juliana Byers
Welcome! I am Juliana (she/they), a passionate historian and researcher with a love of creative writing.
This is the place to get to know me: view my blog, check out my research, read my writing, or listen to my podcast. You can get in touch with me here too, or follow me on social media.
My mission when it comes to history is to cut through the politics and the mythology and try to uncover what really happened. On my podcast “The Skeptical Historian” I explore famous (and sometimes not-so-famous) historical events from Australia and around the world, through a skeptical lens.
I encourage you to ask questions, think critically, and feel free to respectfully disagree! My hope is that people come to history with an open mind and are encouraged to challenge the accepted myths and get closer to the truth. History is not static, and we do a disservice to the past by pretending it is sacred, untouchable and set in stone.
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The Skeptical Historian Podcast
History is a pack of lies about events that never happened, told by people who weren’t there.
– George Santayana
Read All About It
Skeptical History
Sourcing Skeptical History
How to find the sources I use in my posts and podcasts.
Ever Since Black Thursday…
Bushfires are a fact of life in Victoria, but how did the colonists cope with their first bushfire in 1851?
The Lost Notes
What happens when records don’t make it to an archive, and how does this affect historian’s ability to do our jobs?
I Don’t Wanna Hear it!
Sometimes (actually, most of the time) history can be uncomfortable. But if we use that excuse to shut down conversation, we’ll never learn from the past.