Sourcing Skeptical History
How to find the sources I use in my posts and podcasts.
Ever Since Black Thursday…
Bushfires are a fact of life in Victoria, but how did the colonists cope with their first bushfire in 1851?
The Lost Notes
What happens when records don’t make it to an archive, and how does this affect historian’s ability to do our jobs?
I Don’t Wanna Hear it!
Sometimes (actually, most of the time) history can be uncomfortable. But if we use that excuse to shut down conversation, we’ll never learn from the past.
I Hereby Say I Said It!
I recently stumbled across a wonderful quote at an airport, but was it really said by one of the most controversial American industrialists?
The Curious Case of David McBride
Former military lawyer David McBride was recently sentenced to five years jail for leaking classified documents to the press. But is he really a whistleblower?
Gallipoli Tax
Recently, the veterans’ affairs minister went to Gallipoli… for no reason at all.