Juliana Byers
Research Portfolio
Here you can view my research portfolio, including relevant works from my days as an undergraduate at Victoria University. Post-graduate work relating to my thesis will be published here after assessment later in 2025, due to privacy requirements. This is also where you can view any research papers or presentations I have given at conferences, and (coming soon) find links to read my work in historical journals.
Independant Research
Conference Papers & Presentations
The Dark Legacy of ANZAC Day (Home Truths: Australian Historian Association Conference, 2024)
Lest We Forget? Remembering the Colonial British Army (Inheriting Histories: Centre for Contemporary Histories Conference, 2024)
Undergraduate Research
Graduating Project
Finding Viktoria: A Creative Non-Fiction Weblog https://jbyersproject.weebly.com/
Third Year
- The Monsters of 10,000BCE
- Love, Blood & Gold (Mock Exhibition Proposal)
Second Year
- Collapse (Creative Non-Fiction)
- The Effect of the Truman Doctrine
- Lenin: Tactician or Extremist?
First Year
Postgraduate Research
Looking for my creative writing portfolio?
History gives answers only to those who know how to ask questions.
– Hajo Holborn
Read All About It
Skeptical History
Sourcing Skeptical History
How to find the sources I use in my posts and podcasts.
Ever Since Black Thursday…
Bushfires are a fact of life in Victoria, but how did the colonists cope with their first bushfire in 1851?
The Lost Notes
What happens when records don’t make it to an archive, and how does this affect historian’s ability to do our jobs?
I Don’t Wanna Hear it!
Sometimes (actually, most of the time) history can be uncomfortable. But if we use that excuse to shut down conversation, we’ll never learn from the past.