Juliana Byers

Creative Writing Portfolio

Welcome to my creative writing portfolio. While my passion is for non-fiction, I have always enjoyed creative writing and am currently (albiet slowly) working on a historical fiction novel.

Here you can find any creative and/or fiction works I have produced, both as an undergraduate and independantly. I have won awards for my short stories and continue to put my work forward for competitions.

Independent Creative Writing

Riding with Fire
Premise: Horse dealer Brandy Aarden meets hot-headed charmer Breaker Morant at a fair in New South Wales, and a whirlwind romance ensures. This story contains adults themes and strong language.

Premise: When neo-facists gather to protest an event at the local library, someone responds with deadly violence. This story contains adult themes and strong language.

Somebody Knows
2023 Winner Melton City Libraries Short Story Competition, Adult Section
Premise: The narrator dumps a body by the creek and covers his tracks… but somebody knows. This story contains adults themes and strong language.

Undergraduate Writing Projects

Graduating Project

Finding Viktoria: A Creative Non-Fiction Weblog https://jbyersproject.weebly.com/

Third Year

Second Year

Looking for my research portfolio?


The world of reality has limits. The world of imagination is boundless.

– Jean Jacques Rousseau

Read All About It

Skeptical History

The Lost Notes

The Lost Notes

What happens when records don’t make it to an archive, and how does this affect historian’s ability to do our jobs?

I Don’t Wanna Hear it!

I Don’t Wanna Hear it!

Sometimes (actually, most of the time) history can be uncomfortable. But if we use that excuse to shut down conversation, we’ll never learn from the past.